Miro Academy
Miro Academy is an online learning platform that offers courses and resources to help users master the collaborative features of the Miro whiteboard platform.
I joined Miro in 2021. At that time, Miro was on a mission to enhance its content library and define its style. This case study outlines the steps to achieve these objectives and their impactful results.
Miro, Figma, Asana, Quicktime player, Thought Industries, Frameio, Adobe After Effects
Set designer, Project Manager, Writer, Designer, Host, LMS manager
Elevating the Production Process:
Recognizing the need for efficient production processes, I leveraged my previous work experience to initiate a project management system.
Drawing from my familiarity with content creation, I understood that different team members required varying levels of detail throughout the creation process.
Designing the Studio Set:
With the need to work with an external production company, we required a professional set for our content. I used my prior experience to collaborate with the team, understand their goals and stylistic preferences, and sourced the materials to create the studio set that has since become the backdrop for all our videos.
Crafting the Content Style:
Writing: Style is the cornerstone of effective communication. While Miro's content style was conceptualized by a founding member who led our team, the logistical aspects of how this style was implemented and adapted for multiple writers remained a challenge.
Working closely with my team, we embarked on the task of defining specific word choices, prohibitions, mouse movement conventions, perspectives, humor, and more. Surprisingly, the more detailed our guidelines became, the more creative freedom we found.
Hosting: Establishing our style extended to on-camera performances. As one of the primary hosts, I focused on refining my on-camera performance to achieve a natural, engaging delivery that often surprised viewers who couldn't tell I was reading from a teleprompter.
Creating Courses:
Courses are the core of Miro Academy, and during my two years at Miro, I became deeply committed to improving the course experience.
Tackling Tricky concepts
I love tackling those hard concepts and skills!
Given Miro's remarkable flexibility and adaptability, the concept of 'sharing' within the platform can be quite intricate. My mission was to distill this multi-layered concept into an easy-to-understand video.